Base64 encoding
Base64 encoding

For more details, see the documentation for btoa(). Note that btoa() expects to be passed binary data, and will throw an exception if the given string contains any characters whose UTF-16 representation occupies more than one byte. The algorithm used by atob() and btoa() is specified in RFC 4648, section 4. atob(): decodes a Base64-encoded string ("atob" should be read as "ASCII to binary").btoa(): creates a Base64-encoded ASCII string from a "string" of binary data ("btoa" should be read as "binary to ASCII").

base64 encoding

In JavaScript there are two functions respectively for decoding and encoding Base64 strings: Typically, Base64 encoding is used to encode binary data for. Binary data is represented as an ASCII string. Security constraints: As Base64 encoding is not a secure encryption process and anyone can easily decode it, we should never really rely only on Base64 encoding. Base64 is a binary to text encoding scheme. Saving data in base64 format inside a database. Sending media files like Images, audio files through a Web API. One common application of Base64 encoding on the web is to encode binary data so it can be included in a data: URL. Attachments are converted into base64 format.


View the encoded value or download it as a file. Base64 is commonly used in a number of applications including email via MIME, and storing complex data in XML. In computer programming, Base64 is a group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data (more specifically, a sequence of 8-bit bytes) in sequences of 24 bits that can be represented by four 6-bit Base64 digits. Encode text or a binary file as base64-encoded text, using just your browser. This is to ensure that the data remain intact without modification during transport. Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. The term Base64 originates from a specific MIME content transfer encoding.īase64 encoding schemes are commonly used when there is a need to encode binary data that needs to be stored and transferred over media that are designed to deal with ASCII. If you are decoding a binary file, use the Decode. To figuratively understand why Base64 was. The most common encoding is the base64 encoding defined in RFC 4648.

base64 encoding

Thanks to it, you can convert Chinese characters, emoji, and even images into a readable string, which can be saved or transferred anywhere. An Encoding is a radix 64 encoding/decoding scheme, defined by a 64-character alphabet. Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. Encodes or decodes a string so that it conforms to the Base64 Data Encodings specification (RFC 4648). Base64 is a encoding algorithm that allows you to transform any characters into an alphabet which consists of Latin letters, digits, plus, and slash.

Base64 encoding